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00001 import java.util.Vector;
00002 import java.sql.SQLException;
00003 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
00005 public class TableEditor extends Widget
00006 { 
00007         public static class Table
00008         {
00009           public String name;
00010           public int autoColumn;
00011           public String[] columns;
00012           public String select, update, delete, insert;
00013           public Table(String name, int autoColumn, String[] columns)
00014           {
00015    = name;
00016             this.autoColumn = autoColumn;
00017             this.columns = columns;
00019             delete = "DELETE FROM " + name + " WHERE oid = ?;\n";
00021             StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer("SELECT oid");
00022             StringBuffer insert = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO " + name + " (");
00023             StringBuffer insertLast = new StringBuffer("VALUES (");
00024             StringBuffer update = new StringBuffer("UPDATE " + name + " SET ");
00026             boolean first = true, firstna = true;
00027             for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
00028             {
00029               if (first) first = false; else update.append(", ");
00030               update.append(columns[i]);
00031               update.append(" = ?");
00033               select.append(", ");
00034               select.append(columns[i]);
00036               if (autoColumn != i)
00037               {
00038                 if (firstna)
00039                   firstna = false;
00040                 else
00041                 {
00042                   insert.append(", ");
00043                   insertLast.append(", ");
00044                 }
00045                 insert.append(columns[i]);
00046                 insertLast.append("?");
00047               }
00048             }
00049             insert.append(") ");
00050             insert.append(insertLast);
00051             insert.append(")");
00052             select.append(" FROM " + name);
00053             update.append(" WHERE oid = ?");
00055             this.update = update.toString();
00056    = select.toString();
00057             this.insert = insert.toString();
00058           }
00059         }
00061         static Table[] tables = new Table[10];
00062         static
00063         {
00064     String [] a = {"service_id", "appointment_id"};
00065           tables[0] = new Table("appointment_services", -1, a);
00067           String [] b = {"appointment_id", "begintime", "endtime", "doctor_id", "patient_id"};
00068           tables[1] = new Table("appointments", 0, b);
00070           String [] c = {"diagnosis_id", "appointment_id", "name", "description"};
00071           tables[2] = new Table("diagnoses", 0, c);
00073           String [] d = {"doctor_id", "practice_id", "name"};
00074           tables[3] = new Table("doctors", 0, d);
00076           String [] e = {"insurance_company_id", "name"};
00077           tables[4] = new Table("insurance_companies", 0, e);
00079           String [] f = {"insurance_policy_id", "insurance_company_id", "description"};
00080           tables[5] = new Table("insurance_policies", 0, f);
00082           String [] g = {"patient_id", "insurance_policy_id", "name", "address", "phone"};
00083           tables[6] = new Table("patients", 0, g);
00085           String [] h = {"practice_id", "name", "address", "phone"};
00086           tables[7] = new Table("practices", 0, h);
00088           String [] i = {"referral_id", "appointment_id", "doctor_id", "type"};
00089           tables[8] = new Table("referrals", 0, i);
00091           String [] j = {"service_id", "name", "description", "price"};
00092           tables[9] = new Table("services", 0, j);      
00093         }
00095         public static final int CHOOSE = 1;
00096         public static final int EDIT = 2;
00097         public static final int DELETE = 3;
00098         public static final int SAVE = 4;
00100         public int tableIdx = 0;
00101         public int oid = 0;
00102         public ActionButton action;
00103         public TextBox[] fields;
00104         public String message = "";
00105         public TableEditor(String prefix, Form form)
00106         {
00107           super(prefix, form);
00108           action = new ActionButton(n("action"), form);
00109           addChild(action);
00110         }
00112         public void loadValues()
00113         {
00114           super.loadValues();
00115           tableIdx = toInt(loadAttribute("tableIdx"),0);
00116           int o = toInt(loadAttribute("oid"), 0);
00118     if (action.action == EDIT)
00119       oid = action.param;
00120     else
00121       oid = o;
00123     if (oid != 0)
00124     {
00125       fields = new TextBox[tables[tableIdx].columns.length];
00126       int cols = 100 / fields.length;
00127       if (cols > 20) cols = 20;
00128       for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
00129       {
00130         TextBox t = new TextBox(0, cols, n("field" + i), form);
00131         if (oid == o) t.loadValues();
00132         fields[i] = t;
00133         addChild(t);
00134       }
00135     }
00137     switch (action.action)
00138     {
00139       case SAVE:
00140         if (saveRow()) oid = 0;
00141         break;
00142       case DELETE:
00143         deleteRow(action.param);
00144         break;
00145     }
00146         }
00148         public boolean saveRow()
00149         {
00150           Table t = tables[tableIdx];
00151           form.connectDb();
00152           try
00153           {
00154             PreparedStatement s = form.conn.prepareStatement(oid == -1 ? t.insert : t.update);
00155             try
00156             {
00157               int f = 0;
00158               for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i)
00159               {
00160                 if (oid != -1 || i != t.autoColumn)
00161                 {
00162                   ++f;
00163                   s.setString(f, fields[i].text);
00164                 }
00165               }
00166               if (oid != -1)
00167               {
00168                 ++f;
00169                 s.setInt(f, oid);
00170               }
00172               s.executeUpdate();
00173             }
00174             finally
00175             {
00176               s.close();
00177             }
00178           }
00179           catch (SQLException e)
00180           {
00181             message = "<p><b><font color=red>Unable to save row. Postgres gives this error message:</font></b></p>\n"
00182               + "<blockquote style=\"background-color: #EEEEEE\">" + e.toString() + "</blockquote>\n";
00184             // XXX: due to what is apparently a JDBC bug, the connection goes bad
00185             // if the exception is caused by a referrential integrity violation.
00186             // when this happens subsequent queries always throw this exception:
00187       //     
00188       //   No results were returned by the query.
00189       //        at org.postgresql.jdbc2.Statement.executeQuery(
00190       //
00191       // My workaround is just to always close the connection.
00192             form.disconnectDb();
00193             return false;
00194           }
00195           message = "<p><b><font color=blue>Row saved successfully</font></b></p>\n";
00196           return true;
00197         }
00199         public void deleteRow(int row)
00200         {
00201           Table t = tables[tableIdx];
00202           form.connectDb();
00203           try
00204           {
00205             PreparedStatement s = form.conn.prepareStatement(t.delete);
00206             try
00207             {
00208               s.setInt(1,row);
00209               s.executeUpdate();
00210             }
00211             finally
00212             {
00213               s.close();
00214             }
00215           }
00216           catch (SQLException e)
00217           {
00218             message = "<p><b><font color=red>Unable to delete row. Postgres gives this error message:</font></b></p>\n"
00219               + "<blockquote style=\"background-color: #EEEEEE\">" + e.toString() + "</blockquote>\n";
00220             form.disconnectDb(); // XXX: see above
00221             return;
00222           }
00223           message = "<p><b><font color=blue>Row deleted successfully</font></b></p>\n";
00224         }
00226         public void display(boolean hidden)
00227         {
00228           p(message);
00230           super.display(hidden);
00231           printAttribute("oid", "" + oid);        
00232           if (hidden || modalChild != null)
00233           {
00234             printAttribute("tableIdx", "" + tableIdx);
00235             return;
00236           }
00238           p("<select name=" + n("tableIdx") + " rows=1 onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">\n");
00239           for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
00240           {
00241             String selected = i == tableIdx ? " selected " : "";
00242             p("  <option value=" + i + selected + ">" + tables[i].name + "</option>\n");
00243           }
00244           p("</select>\n");
00245           action.display("Go", CHOOSE);
00247           if (oid != -1)
00248           {
00249             p("<p align=center>");
00250             action.display("Insert new row...", EDIT, -1);
00251             p("</p>");
00252           }
00254           Table t = tables[tableIdx];
00255           p("<table border=1>\n<tr>\n");
00256           for(int i = 0; i < t.columns.length; ++i)
00257           {
00258             p("  <td><strong>" + t.columns[i] + "</strong></td>\n");
00259           }
00260           p("  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n</tr>\n");
00262           if (oid == -1)
00263           {
00264             p("<tr>\n");
00265             for (int i = 0; i < t.columns.length; ++i)
00266             {
00267               p("  <td>");
00268               if (i == t.autoColumn)
00269                 p("<i>auto</i>");
00270               else
00271           fields[i].display();
00272         p("</td>\n");
00273             }
00274             p("  <td>");
00275             action.display("Save", SAVE);
00276             p("</td>\n</tr>\n");          
00277           }
00279           Query q = new Query(form.connectDb(),;
00280           try
00281           {
00282             q.query(;
00283             if (q.r != null)
00284             while(
00285             {
00286               int oid = q.r.getInt(1);
00288               if (oid == this.oid)
00289               {
00290                 p("<tr>\n");
00291                 for (int i = 0; i < t.columns.length; ++i)
00292                 {
00293                   p("  <td>");
00294                   if (fields[i].text == null)
00295                     fields[i].text = q.r.getString(i+2);
00296                   fields[i].display();
00297                   p("</td>\n");
00298                 }
00299                 p("  <td>");
00300                 action.display("Save", SAVE);
00301                 p("</td>\n</tr>\n");
00302               }
00303               else
00304               {
00305                 p("<tr>\n");
00306                 for (int i = 0; i < t.columns.length; ++i)
00307                   p("  <td>" + htmlencode(q.r.getString(i+2)) + "</td>\n");
00308                 p("  <td>");
00309                 action.display("Edit", EDIT, oid);
00310                 action.display("Delete", DELETE, oid);
00311                 p("</td>\n</tr>\n");
00312               }
00313             }
00314           }
00315           catch (SQLException e)
00316           {
00317             p(e);
00318           }
00319           finally
00320           {
00321             q.close();
00322           }
00323           p("</table>");
00324         }
00325 };

Generated on Mon Mar 6 23:34:34 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.4