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00001 import java.util.Vector;
00002 import java.sql.SQLException;
00003 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
00004 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
00005 import java.util.Set;
00006 import java.util.Iterator;
00007 import java.util.Calendar;
00009 public class AppointmentEditor extends Widget
00010 { 
00011         public static final int FIND_DOC = 1;
00012         public static final int FIND_PATIENT = 2;
00013         public static final int SAVE = 3;
00014         public static final int CANCEL = 4;
00016         public int appointment_id;
00017         public TextBox begintime;
00018         public TextBox endtime;
00019         public ActionButton action;
00020         public boolean done = false;
00021         public PatientSelect patient;
00022         public DoctorSelect doctor;
00023         public DiagnosisList diagnoses;
00024         public ReferralList referrals;
00025         public ServicesSelect services;
00028         public boolean showErrors = false;
00029         public Vector errors = new Vector();
00031         public AppointmentEditor(int appointment_id, String prefix, Form form)
00032         {
00033           super(prefix, form);
00034           this.appointment_id = appointment_id;
00035     action = new ActionButton(n("action"), form);
00036     begintime = new TextBox(0,20,n("begintime"), form);
00037     endtime = new TextBox(0,20,n("endtime"), form);
00038     diagnoses = new DiagnosisList(n("diagnoses"), form);
00039     referrals = new ReferralList(n("referrals"), form);
00040     services = new ServicesSelect(n("services"), form);
00041     doctor = new DoctorSelect(DoctorDb.PRACTICE_ID, 1, n("doctor"), form);
00042     patient = new PatientSelect(n("patient"), form);
00043     addChild(action);
00044     addChild(begintime);
00045     addChild(endtime);
00046     addChild(diagnoses);
00047     addChild(services);
00048     addChild(doctor);
00049     addChild(patient);
00050     addChild(referrals);
00051         }
00053         public void loadValues()
00054         {
00055     super.loadValues();
00057     if (action.action == SAVE)
00058     {
00059       showErrors = true;
00060       if (save()) done = true;
00061     }
00062     else if (action.action == CANCEL)
00063     {
00064       done = true;
00065     }
00066         }
00068         public void loadDefaults()
00069         {
00070           super.loadDefaults();
00071           Query q = new Query(form.connectDb(),;
00072           try
00073           {
00074             q.query("SELECT begintime, endtime, doctor_id, patient_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id);
00075             if (q.r == null || ! return;
00076       begintime.text = q.r.getString(1);
00077       endtime.text = q.r.getString(2);
00078 = new Integer(q.r.getInt(3));
00079 = new Integer(q.r.getInt(4));
00081             q.query("SELECT referral_id, type, doctor_id FROM referrals WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id);
00082             if (q != null)
00083             while(
00084             {
00085               Referral r = new Referral();
00086               r.referral_id = q.r.getInt(1);
00087               r.incoming = q.r.getInt(2) == 2;
00088               r.doctor_id = q.r.getInt(3);
00089               referrals.referrals.add(r);
00090             }
00092             q.query("SELECT diagnosis_id, name, description FROM diagnoses WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id);
00093             if (q != null)
00094             while(
00095             {
00096               Diagnosis d = new Diagnosis();
00097               d.diagnosis_id = q.r.getInt(1);
00098      = q.r.getString(2);
00099               d.description = q.r.getString(3);
00100               diagnoses.diagnoses.add(d);
00101             }
00103             q.query("SELECT service_id FROM appointment_services WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id);
00104             if (q != null)
00105             while(
00106               services.ids.put(new Integer(q.r.getInt(1)), null);
00107           }
00108           catch (SQLException e)
00109           {
00110             p(e);
00111           }
00112           finally
00113           {
00114             q.close();
00115           }
00116         }
00118         protected boolean save()
00119         {
00120           if ( == null)
00121             errors.add("Doctor not specified");
00122     if ( == null)
00123       errors.add("Patient not specified");
00124     if (begintime.text == null || begintime.text.trim().length() == 0)
00125       errors.add("Begin time not specified");
00126     if (endtime.text == null || endtime.text.trim().length() == 0)
00127       errors.add("End time not specified");
00129     java.sql.Timestamp bt, et;
00130     bt = toTimestamp(begintime.text);
00131     if (bt == null)
00132       errors.add("Unable to parse begin time. (Example of valid format is 2000-01-01 13:30)");
00133     et = toTimestamp(endtime.text);
00134     if (et == null)
00135       errors.add("Unable to parse end time. (Example of valid format is 2000-01-01 13:30)");
00137     if (et != null && bt != null && bt.getTime() >= et.getTime())
00138     {
00139       errors.add("Appointment end time must be later than begin time");
00140     }
00142     if (errors.size() > 0) return false;
00144           form.connectDb();
00145           Query q = new Query(form.conn,;
00146           try
00147           {
00148             boolean transactionComplete = false;
00149             q.execute("BEGIN");
00150       try
00151             {
00152               PreparedStatement s;
00153               if (appointment_id > 0)
00154               {
00155                 s = form.conn.prepareStatement("\n"+
00156 "                 UPDATE appointments SET begintime = ?, endtime = ?, \n"+
00157 "                   doctor_id = ?, patient_id = ?\n"+
00158 "                 WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id);
00159               }
00160               else
00161               {
00162                 s = form.conn.prepareStatement("\n"+
00163 "                 INSERT INTO appointments (begintime, endtime, doctor_id, patient_id)\n"+
00164 "                 VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
00165               }
00166               try
00167               {
00168                 s.setTimestamp(1, bt);
00169                 s.setTimestamp(2, et);
00170                 s.setInt(3,;
00171                 s.setInt(4,;
00172                 s.executeUpdate();
00173               }
00174               finally
00175               {
00176                 s.close();
00177               }
00179               if (appointment_id > 0)
00180               {
00181                 q.execute
00182                 (
00183                   "DELETE FROM diagnoses WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id + ";\n" + 
00184                   "DELETE FROM referrals WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id + ";\n" + 
00185                   "DELETE FROM appointment_services WHERE appointment_id = " + appointment_id + ";\n"
00186                 );
00187               }
00188               else
00189               {
00190                 q.query("SELECT currval('appointments_appointment_id_seq')");
00191                 if (q == null || ! 
00192                 {
00193                   errors.add("Internal Error: Failed to retrieve appointment_id");
00194                   return false;
00195                 }
00196                 appointment_id = q.r.getInt(1);
00197               }
00199               // TODO: it would be better to use the original referral and diagnosis ids
00200               // rather than creating new ones
00202               for(int i = 0; i < referrals.referrals.size(); ++i)
00203               {
00204                 Referral r = (Referral) referrals.referrals.get(i);
00205                 q.execute(
00206                   "INSERT INTO referrals (appointment_id, doctor_id, type)\n" +
00207                   "VALUES (" + appointment_id + ", " + r.doctor_id + ", " + 
00208                   (r.incoming ? "2" : "1") + ")"
00209                 );
00210               }
00212               s = form.conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO diagnoses (appointment_id, name, description) " 
00213                 + "VALUES (?,?,?)");
00214               try
00215               {
00216                 s.setInt(1, appointment_id);
00217                 for(int i = 0; i < diagnoses.diagnoses.size(); ++i)
00218                 {
00219                   Diagnosis d = (Diagnosis) diagnoses.diagnoses.get(i);
00220             s.setString(2, == null ? "" :;
00221             s.setString(3, d.description == null ? "" : d.description);
00222                   s.executeUpdate();
00223                 }
00224               }
00225               finally
00226               {
00227                 s.close();
00228               }
00230               Set keys = services.ids.keySet();
00231               for(Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
00232               {
00233                 Integer n = (Integer);
00234                 q.execute(
00235                   "INSERT INTO appointment_services (appointment_id, service_id)\n" +
00236                   "VALUES (" + appointment_id + ", " + n.intValue() + ")"
00237                 );
00238               }       
00240               transactionComplete = true;
00241             }
00242                 catch (Throwable e)
00243                 {
00244                   transactionComplete = false;
00245                   throw e;
00246                 }
00247                 finally
00248                 {
00249                   q.execute(transactionComplete ? "COMMIT" : "ROLLBACK");
00250                 }
00251           }
00252           catch (SQLException e)
00253           {
00254             p(e);
00255           }
00256           catch (Throwable e)
00257           {
00258             Query.rethrow(e);
00259           }
00260           finally
00261           {
00262             q.close();
00263           }
00264           return true;
00265         }
00267         public void display(boolean hidden)
00268         {
00269     super.display(hidden);
00271     if (hidden || modalChild != null) return;
00273     if (showErrors)
00274     {
00275       p("<h3>Save Failed</h3>");
00276       if (errors.size() > 0)
00277       {
00278         p("<p><strong>Please correct the following errors:</strong></p>");
00279         p("<ul>\n");
00280         for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i)
00281         {
00282           String s = (String) errors.get(i);
00283           p("  <li><font color=red>" + s + "</font></li>\n");
00284         }
00285         p("</ul>\n");
00286       }
00287     }
00289     p(
00290 "<table>\n"+
00291 "<tr>\n"+
00292 "  <td valign=top>Patient:</td>\n"+
00293 "  <td>"); patient.display(); p("</td>\n"+
00294 "</tr>\n"+
00295 "<tr>\n"+
00296 "  <td valign=top>Doctor:</td>\n"+
00297 "  <td>"); doctor.display(); p("</td>\n"+
00298 "</tr>\n"+
00299 "<tr>\n"+
00300 "  <td valign=top>Begin Time:</td>\n"+
00301 "  <td>"); begintime.display(); p("</td>\n"+
00302 "</tr>\n"+
00303 "<tr>\n"+
00304 "  <td valign=top>End Time:</td>\n"+
00305 "  <td>"); endtime.display(); p("</td>\n"+
00306 "</tr>\n"+
00307 "<tr>\n"+
00308 "  <td valign=top>Services <i>(select many)</i>:</td>\n"+
00309 "  <td>\n"+
00310 "  "); services.display(); p("\n"+
00311 "  </td>\n"+
00312 "</tr>\n"+
00313 "<tr>\n"+
00314 "  <td valign=top>Diagnoses:</td>\n"+
00315 "  <td>\n"+
00316 "  "); diagnoses.display(); p("\n"+
00317 "  </td>\n"+
00318 "</tr>\n"+
00319 "<tr>\n"+
00320 "  <td valign=top>Referrals:</td>\n"+
00321 "  <td>\n"+
00322 "  "); referrals.display(); p("\n"+
00323 "  </td>\n"+
00324 "</tr>\n"+
00325 "<tr>\n"+
00326 "  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n"+
00327 "  <td>\n"+
00328 "  "); action.display("Save Changes", SAVE); action.display("Cancel", CANCEL); 
00329 p("\n"+
00330 "  </td>\n"+
00331 "</td>\n"+
00332 "</table>\n"+
00333 "");
00334         }
00336         java.sql.Timestamp toTimestamp(String s)
00337         {
00338     SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
00340     java.sql.Timestamp t = null;
00341     java.util.Date d = null;
00343     try
00344     {
00345       d = f.parse(s);
00346     }
00347     catch (java.text.ParseException e) {}
00349     if (d != null)
00350     {
00351       Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); 
00352       c.setTime(d);
00353       c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
00354       t = new java.sql.Timestamp(c.getTimeInMillis());
00355     }  
00356     return t;
00357         }
00358 };

Generated on Mon Mar 6 23:34:34 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.4